Dublin was nothing short of amazing. After traveling overnight on a ferry to Dublin, I slept for a little bit and then my friends and I took a bus tour of Dublin. It was such a great way to see the city. Saw everything really quickly, but we only had a couple hours to site see so it worked out. After the tour we went to Temple Bar street, which is really touristy, but was really fun. Went to Temple Bar for most of the night, then made our way to another bar, which I don't remember the name...
Stayed out till 4:30am... and then had work the next day. Not the best feeling in the world, but I would have been mad if I called it an early night my first and probably last time out in Dublin! We stayed at the Four Seasons which was probably one of the nicest hotels on the whole tour. It's really fun seeing all the hotels in each city and meeting new people. It's interesting to see how the locals treat Americans. People in London weren't very nice... but EVERYONE in Dublin was so great to us!
I am really missing home - LA and Chicago. The time is going by fast tho. I really have no idea of what day it is ever, as we don't really have a weekend.